CounterPath eyeBeam 1.5 User Guide for Mac User Manual

Page 30

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CounterPath eyeBeam 1.5 for Mac


4.5 Privacy Rules

You can allow or ban another person from contacting you. There are separate rules for incoming phone calls,
incoming instant messages, and availability detection. You can ban or allow an individual person, or an entire

You can also ban a person in the Received, Dialed or Blocked list. Right-click on the name and choose Ban this

Privacy Rules Window


at the top of the phone and choose Privacy Rules. The Privacy Rules window appears.

The window may already show some rules; these rules were added during the availability exchange. See
“Sharing Availability” on page 23.

Adding a Name or Domain

1. Click Add. The Add new privacy rules dialog box appears.

2. Complete the dialog box. If you click “Add rule for a person”, enter a SIP address. If you omit the domain,

your domain is automatically added when you click Add. If you click “Add rule for a domain”, enter just the

The new name is added to the Privacy Rules list with all groups set to Yes or No.

If a new contact request is received from this person, eyeBeam automatically responds according to the rule: the
New Contact Request dialog box will not be displayed.