Faqs – Allen&Heath Xone 3D User Manual
Page 34

Allen & Heath
XONE:3D User Guide
Q. I am using the four deck map for Native Instruments Traktor, but the
Xone:3D only has three channels; how do I use the fourth deck?
A. Audio for the fourth deck can be provided by the internal soundcard
on your computer. To do this you will need to use the excellent freeware
ASIO driver, ASIO4ALL written by Michael Tippach available from http://
www.asio4all.com/. This will allow you to select both the Xone:3D and
your PCs soundcard as audio devices.
Q. I have connected my laptop soundcard to the Xone:3D but I am
getting a loud buzz on the mixer outputs. What’s causing this?
A. This probably due to a ground loop caused by the laptop power supply;
these also tend to inject a lot of noise into the ground system. To cure this
cut the screen at one end of the audio cable (either at the laptop or mixer).
This should remove the ground loop.
Q. I have changed the Xone:3D soundcard mode, but although it
reconnects I can’t get any audio working. What’s happened?
A. When you change mode the soundcard has to disconnect from the
computer, reconfigure itself, then reconnect. Occasionally the audio sub
system does not restart after a mode change. Reboot your Xone:3D and it
should work fine. Never change the soundcard mode while running an
application as this may cause it to crash. Configure the required mode for
each application before starting.
Q. I bought my mixer in the UK but I am travelling to the US. Will my 3D
work on the lower mains voltage?
A. Yes, the Xone:3D has a universal switch mode power supply. It will
work on any voltage from 90VAC to 250VAC 50 or 60 Hz. Use an IEC
lead with the correct plug for each territory. Do not modify the mains lead
in any way.
Q. What faders does the Xone:3D use?
A. Both channel and crossfader use high quality dual rail faders made
specifically for Allen & Heath. The crossfader has conductive plastic tracks
and should last for up to one million cycles.