AirLive RS-1200 User Manual
Page 106

In this chapter, we will have detailed introduction and instruction of
Mapped IP
Server 1/2/3/4
Mapped IP
: Because the Intranet is transferring the private IP by NAT Mode
(Network Address Translation). And if the server is in LAN, its IP Address
is belonging to Private IP Address. Then the external users cannot connect
to its private IP Address directly. The user must connect to the
R S - 1 2 0 0 ’s WAN subnet’s Real IP and then map Real IP to Private IP of
LAN by the RS-1200. It is a one-to-one mapping. That is, to map all the
service of one WAN Real IP Address to one LAN Private IP Address.
Server 1/2/3/4
: Its function resembles Mapped IP’s. But the Virtual Server
maps one to many. That is, to map a Real IP Address to 1~4 LAN Private IP
Address and provide the service item in Service.
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