AirLive AirMax5X User Manual

Page 50

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4. Web Management: Operation Mode Settings

AirLive AirMax5X User’s Manual


Click here to select
SSID for Association
or Signal Survey

To connect with the
selected SSID. This
function is available only
in Client or Bridge Mode

For antenna
alignment. It will
display signal

Select the SSID which you want to connect , and click the “SET SECURIT” , type in the key
if required. Then Click “Save” Buttom. If the key is correct , the AirMax5X will ask users to
reboot the device.

After reboot is finished , the AirMax5X is connected with another remote AP.

The rest of the setting in wireless ISP is same as the AP Router mode. Please refer the
chapter 4.2.5


Add (to WDS): Please choose a SSID before click on this button. This button is

available only in Client, WDS or WDS + AP modes. Once you click on this button,
AirMax5X will attempt to make a connection with the selected network. If there is
encryption needed, the AirMax5X will prompt you to enter the encryption key. Please
make sure you enter the correct encryption key, the AirMax5X will not check whether
the encryption key is correct.


Signal Strength: This is a value to show the signal level of the AirMax5X. In general,

remote APs with stronger signal will display higher level.