AirLive AirMax5X User Manual

Page 46

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4. Web Management: Operation Mode Settings

AirLive AirMax5X User’s Manual


A DMZ server is a common term used to describe the default virtual server. If the DMZ
server is selected, Internet traffic not destined for a valid virtual server is redirected to this
privately addressed LAN client. This can be used together with a separate firewall device to
perform additional security functions. Virtual Server Settings

Operation Mode -> Setup ->Virtual Setting
This allows you to specify one or more applications running on server computers on the
LAN that may be accessed by any Internet user. Internet data destined for the specified
public port will be directed to the specified private port number on the LAN client with the
specified private IP address. IP Filtering Settings

Operation Mode -> Setup -> IP Filtering Settings
IP filtering is simply a mechanism that decides which types of IP datagram will be
processed normally and which will be discarded.