AiM MyChron4 660 User Manual
Page 68

MyChron4 660
User Manual
Release 1.03
able to use different views to plot different information, always ready for a quick
interpretation of data.
Below are some other settings that can be accessed through the channels list and
plot settings.
Line width settings refer to channels traces.
Cursor tags refer to the cursor drawing along the line plotted for every channel.
Enable time interval bolding refers to the grey scaled background of the time plot.
Show shift RPM is useful while displaying some Junior Dragsters data, the same
for Show RPM / Shaft 1:1.
Show Car reaction time enables the drawing on the time plot of a vertical dashed
red line evidencing it.
Per Run Color is useful when comparing two runs, all the channels pertaining to a
run will have the same color making it easy to identify them.
The Use 3D channel lets you plot channels’ lines using a color that is not the color
chosen for that channel, but instead a color bound to a third channel value
through a color scale shown in the bottom left part of the view.