AiM MyChron4 660 User Manual
Page 58

MyChron4 660
User Manual
Release 1.03
Available commands are:
Download – as already explained this opens the download window.
Configuration – runs the DragOn software
Preferences – opens a window in which software preferences can be set
Load – loads the selected run(s) for analysis (it is enabled only if none of the
selected runs are loaded)
Unload – unloads the selected runs (it is enabled only if all the selected runs are
already loaded)
Properties – opens a window that lets you modify some run file properties
Import – lets you add some run files to your run database from an external file
Export – lets you export some run files from your run database (e. with the aim to
move them to another PC)
Remove – removes a run from the database
Hide – hides a run from the database
E-Mail – lets you send some runs by e-mail
Because of the large number of runs that you will acquire during your racing time,
we give you the option of grouping runs following your preferred and customizable
Criteria (i.e. group by time, racer, track, championship, and vehicle).
As shown in the previous screenshot, the “Test/Run manager” layer is divided into
2 separate parts: on the left the track name is shown (left click on the track name
to select the desired one) while on the right there’s a list of all the runs which
belong to that track.