Installing the google search appliance, Connecting the search appliance to the network – Google Search Appliance Installing the Google Search Appliance User Manual

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Google Search Appliance: Installing the Google Search Appliance


Installing the Google Search Appliance

This section contains instructions for connecting the Google Search Appliance to the network and
performing the initial software configuration. Before you connect the search appliance, complete the
preinstallation checklists, which are in Planning for Search Appliance Installation.

Installing the Google Search Appliance has two phases:


“Connecting the Search Appliance to the Network” on page 6


“Configuring the Network Settings” on page 8

When you configure the software, you set network parameters so that the search appliance can
communicate with the network and other computers on the network. After you configure the software,
set up the initial crawl of the content. When the crawl and index processes are completed, the search
appliance can begin serving content to end users.

The Welcome letter that is in the box with the Google Search Appliance also contains instructions for
connecting the search appliance to the network and starting the search appliance. If you have already
connected the search appliance to the network, you can skip to “Configuring the Network Settings” on
page 8
and continue configuring the software.

Connecting the Search Appliance to the Network

The installation process begins by connecting the search appliance to your network. Ensure that you
have a laptop computer or desktop computer available that is located near the search appliance.

A Google Search Appliance has four Ethernet ports and they might be labeled LAN1 through LAN4.

The primary port is yellow and connects the search appliance to your network for day-to-day
operations. If the ports are labeled, this is LAN1. This is the port farthest to the left.

The second port is white. If the ports are labeled, this is LAN2. You can optionally enable this port
during the network configuration process as a dedicated port for search appliance administration.
To use the dedicated NIC on a search appliance where policy ACLs are configured, you must have
some form of user authentication enabled. Otherwise, content from the URLs protected by policy
ACLs is not served. You must also assign an IP address, a subnet mask, and a gateway to the
network interface card.

The third port is orange and connects the search appliance to a local computer when you need
physical access to configure the software. Do not connect it to anything else at any time. If the ports
are labeled, this is LAN3. This is the third port from the left.

The fourth port is blue and is not used. If the ports are labeled, this is LAN4.

All search appliances are shipped with two Ethernet cables and two power cables localized for your
region. One Ethernet cable is yellow and the other is orange. The orange cable is considerably shorter
than the yellow cable.

The required network configuration parameters, such as the IP address assigned to the search
appliance, can be changed only from a computer that has physical access to the search appliance.
Network access is insufficient for changing these parameters.