Starting from platform control box 8-4, Lpg fuel operation, 8-4, Starting from platform control box, 8-4 – Snorkel AB50JRT User Manual
Page 67: Starting from platform control box -4, Operation
From Ground Control Box
Each of the ways the platform can move is shown
in the following photograph and switch illustration:
The illustration shows the platform switches that
cause the platform or booms to move.
Although the Ground Operation switch (8) is not
a platform moving switch, its use is required
whenever any of the other switches are operated.
You must hold the Ground Operation switch
(8) up when you use any of the platform moving
switches (1 through 7) to move the platform.
This is a safety feature to prevent the platform
from moving if a single platform moving switch
is accidentally pushed.
From Platform Control Box
When you operate from the platform control box,
be sure that the lanyard of your fall restraint is
attached to an anchor point on the platform
mount. Also, be sure the gate is closed. Each of
the ways the platform can move is shown in the
following photograph and switch illustration.
The illustration shows the platform switches that
cause the platform or booms to move.
You must be stepping on the platform foot switch
(9) when you use any of the platform moving
switches (1 through 7) or the Drive/Steer
controller to move the platform. The platform foot
switch is a safety feature to prevent the platform
from moving if a platform moving switch, or
controller, is accidentally pushed.
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AB50J – 0163189
8. Operation