Sdii preferences, Info preferences – Apple WaveBurner 1.5 User Manual
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Chapter 8
Setting WaveBurner Preferences
SDII Preferences
WaveBurner can import files and regions in SDII (Sound Designer II) format. The SDII
preferences determine how WaveBurner handles the import.
 Add SDII Regions As WaveBurner Regions: If turned off, an SDII file will be imported as
a single WaveBurner region. Switch on to add multiple SDII regions to WaveBurner. If
the SDII file does not contain region definitions, a dialog will ask if you want to add
the whole file as one region.
 Adopt Pause Lengths from SDII Regions: Turn on to use the pause lengths of the
(original file’s) SDII regions for your CD.
 Import SDII Markers As: You can choose to use SDII markers as either index markers or
track start markers.
 Show SDII Import Dialog: If you enable this option, the SDII Import dialog appears
every time you import an SDII region, allowing you to change the SDII import
preferences. If the Show SDII Import Dialog preference is disabled, the import dialog
does not appear. The files are imported as specified by the preferences. Enabling the
Don’t Show Again option in the SDII Import dialog deactivates the Show SDII Import
Dialog preference.
Info Preferences
This preference tab allows you to set the types of CD Track information that should be
included in the mastering information. You can switch on/off the start time, track name,
track length, track stop, track pause, copy prohibit, pre-emphasis, ISRC code, track
comments, and index points.