Moving markers – Apple WaveBurner 1.5 User Manual
Page 46

Chapter 5
Working With Markers
Moving Markers
You can move track start and index markers in the Wave View area. The track start
marker and pause start point can be moved together, or separately.
Moving the Track Start Marker and Pause Start Point Together
You can simultaneously move the track start marker and pause start point—to change
the track start time, while preserving the pause length.
To move both track start marker and pause start point:
Place the pointer between the pause start point and the track start mark.
The pointer changes to a left-right arrow.
Drag the markers to the desired position.
Moving the Track Start Marker and Pause Start Point Separately
You can move the track start marker and pause start point separately, thereby
changing the pause length in the process.
To move a track start and pause start point separately:
Place the pointer directly over the portion of the track marker that you want to move.
The pointer changes to a split track marker symbol.
Drag the marker portion—either track or pause—to the desired position.
Note: As long as there is no pause set (in other words, the track marker is still in one
piece), moving the right portion of the marker will move both. In this situation, move
the left portion to the left; this will split the track marker and create a pause. Following
this split of the track marker, either portion can be moved separately.