Region list – Apple WaveBurner 1.5 User Manual
Page 15

Chapter 1
The WaveBurner Interface
Region List
You add and organize your project’s regions in the Region list. Regions are listed
chronologically (in time order) from top to bottom. When you select a region in the
Region list, the region is also selected in the Wave View area. Click-holding the audio
file icon in the first column allows you to reorder regions by dragging them up or
down. Option-dragging region names copies them.
The Region list displays the following information about each region and its marker
 Start time
The arrow menu in the upper right corner of the Region list allows you to change the
time format. You can also determine if the time display of markers will be shown in
absolute (elapsed time since CD start), or relative values (elapsed time since track start).
You may freely swap column positions by click-dragging on the column name field,
and moving it left or right. Column widths may be resized by click-dragging on the
vertical lines that separate the column name fields. Click-dragging on the vertical line
between the Region and Track list enables you to set the width of the Region list,
thereby hiding or showing columns.