Apple WebObjects 3.5 User Manual

Page 216

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recording statistics 151–153

refuseNewSessions: method 155

regenerating request page 45

registerForEvents method 73

relational operators 176

release method (Objective-C only) 46

example 137

removeAllObjects method 199, 204

removeObject: method 199

removeObjectAtIndex: method 199

removeObjectForKey: method 205

removeObjectIdenticalTo: method 199

removeObjectsForKeys: method 205

request component 44

request page 44, 73, 76–78

regenerating 45

request URL 75

request, accessing 51

request-handling methods 50–54

request-response loop 27

application level 66

conceptual overview 72–82

methods 50–54

page level 70

request 68–69

session level 67

starting 72–73

transaction level 68

reserved words, WebScript 178

response 69, 80–82

See also WOResponse

generating 79–80, 80–82

manipulating 53–54

returning a page other than

requested 52

response component 44

response page 44, 69, 79–80, 81

composition 69–71

returning a page other than

requested 52

restoreSession method 128–130

example 129

reusable components 93–108

accessor methods 103

binding to 95

communication with parent 98–102

synchronization 102–104

design tips 106–108

HTML tags in 106

location 105–106

naming 106

setting values in 97

run method 73

running applications 25–26


saveSession: method 128–130

example 130

scope of variables 167–168

script file, See code files

scripted classes 181–182

scripting 165–186

secondOfMinute method 209

self 178–179

sender ID 68

session code file 19, 23 23

Session.m 23

Session.wos 19, 23

sessionID method 76

sessions 23, 66–68

accessing existing 75–76

code file, See session code file

creating 74–75

ending 135

ID 68, 75–76, 117

initialization 48

object, See WOSession

saving 82

setting minimum 155

state 115–117

timeout 134–135

variables 23, 115–117

setArray: method 199

setCachingEnabled: method 156

setCalendarFormat: method 208

setDictionary: method 205

setDistributionEnabled: method 130

setLogFile: method 151


method 155

setObject:forKey: method 116, 204

setPageCacheSize: method 136


method 139

setSessionStore: method 123

setString: method 195

setTimeOut: method 134–135, 155

sharing components 104

sharing variables 171–172

shutting down application 155–156

SimpleAssociation 39


interface 144–146

sleep method 46, 81

Objective-C example 137

and state storage 135, 137

sortedArrayUsingSelector: method 198

starting applications 25–26

starting the request-response loop 72–73

state 111–140

application 113–115

classes that manage 113–120

client-side components 86

component 118–120, 135–140

session 115–117

storage, See storing state

synchronizing 73

statistics 151–153

displaying 152–153

statistics method 152

storing state

cookies 126–128

custom implementation 128–130

custom objects, storing 131–133

page 124–126

server 123–124

summary table 121–122

string method 192

stringByAppendingFormat: method 193

stringByAppendingString: method 193

strings 191–195

See also NSString
constant 169–170
representing objects as 189