Other useful documentation – Apple WebObjects 3.5 User Manual

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client-side Java components that behave like dynamic elements, and how
to design an application for deployment and improved performance.

Part 3, “WebScript,” is for programmers who want to use a scripting

WebScript is a scripting language provided with WebObjects for rapid
application development. Use of WebScript is entirely voluntary—you can
write applications using Java or Objective-C if you prefer. Part 3 describes
WebScript’s syntax and also describes how to use the Foundation
framework when writing an application using WebScript.

There are no prerequisites for learning WebObjects; however, it does help if you
understand object-oriented programming concepts and are familiar with either
Java or Objective-C. If you aren’t familiar with Java or Objective-C, you might
want to pay special attention to Part 3 of this book. Part 3 provides a very brief
introduction to object-oriented concepts—enough to get you started. Later,
you’ll want to round out your knowledge either by reading the book Object-
Oriented Programming and the Objective-C Language
or any other book on object-
oriented programming.

Other Useful Documentation

If you’re new to WebObjects programming, begin by reading the book Getting
Started With WebObjects
. It contains tutorials that teach the mechanics of creating
a WebObjects application as well as the basic concepts behind WebObjects.

If you want to write an application that accesses a database, you’ll need to use
Enterprise Objects in conjunction with WebObjects. And although database
access is covered in the tutorials in Getting Started With WebObjects, you’ll probably
also want to read the Enterprise Objects Framework Developer’s Guide for more in-
depth information.

Other valuable information can be found online. To access online
documentation, use the WebObjects Home Page. The WebObjects Home Page
is in your web server’s document root, and you can access it at this URL:


In particular, WOHomePage’s Documentation link gives you access to some
books that are available only online: