Modifying strings, Storing strings – Apple WebObjects 3.5 User Manual

Page 195

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Commonly Used String Methods


Modifying Strings


The following methods are not supported by NSString. They are

available only to NSMutableString objects.

– appendFormat:

Appends a constructed string to the receiver. Creates the new
string by using the


method with the arguments

listed. For example, in the following code excerpt, if you assume
the variable


contains the string “Rena”, then



the resulting contents “Hi, Rena!”:

id message = [NSMutableString stringWithString:@"Hi"];
[message appendFormat:@", %@!", guestName];

– appendString:

Adds the characters of a specified string to the end of the receiver.
For example, the following statements create an
NSMutableString and append another string to its initial value:

id mutableString = [NSMutableString stringWithFormat:@"Hello "];
[mutableString appendString:@"world!"];


has the resulting contents “Hello world!”.

– setString:

Replaces the characters of the receiver with those in a specified
string. For example, the following statement replaces the contents
of an NSMutableString with the empty string:

[mutableString setString:@""];

Storing Strings

– writeToFile:atomically:

Writes the string to a specified file, returning YES on success and
NO on failure. If YES is specified for


, this method writes

the string to an auxiliary file and then renames the auxiliary file to
the specified path. In this way, it ensures that the contents of the
specified path do not become corrupted if the system crashes
during writing. The resulting file is suitable for use with


. For example, the following code excerpt reads

the contents of an error log stored in a file, appends a new error to
the log, and saves the updated log to the same file:

id errorLog = [NSString stringWithContentsOfFile:errorPath];
id newErrorLog = [errorLog stringByAppendingFormat:@"%@: %@.\n",

timeStamp, @"premature end of file."];

[newErrorLog writeToFile:errorPath atomically:YES];