Apple WebObjects 3.5 User Manual
Page 215

initObject:withCoder: method 132
initWithCoder: method 132–133
example 133
input postprocessing 51
insertObject:atIndex: method 199
install 159–160
instance variables, definition 165
instance, definition 165
integers in WebScript 169
@interface 181
intValue method 194
method 52–53, 79–80
declaration 70
example 52–53
ISAPI adaptor 26
isEqual: method 190, 194, 198, 204
isolating errors 60
isTerminating method 135
Java support
AppletGroupController class 143
applets, See client-side components
Association class 85–86
subclassing 146–147
debugging 57–58, 58–60, 61–62
mapping of Foundation classes 146
interface 144–146
keys method 145
method 203
key-value coding 35, 84, 103
lifetime of variables 167–168
log file 151
logic operators 176
logString method 58–59
logWithFormat: method 58–59
main() function or method 72–73
managing state 111–140
client-side components 86
memory leaks 157
messages 171–174
See also methods
action 43–45
return value 45
automatic 171–172
class 172–173
common 43–54
creation 173–174
initialization 46–50
invoking 171–174
modern syntax 180
multiple arguments
modern syntax 180
nesting 171
request-handling 50–54
writing 170–171
modern syntax 180
methods, definition 165
minuteOfHour method 209
modern syntax, WebScript 179–181
monthOfYear method 208
mutable 173, 189
naming reusable components 106
nesting messages 171
next.wo.client.controls 37–39
nil 178–179
NSAPI adaptor 26, 27
NSArchiver 130
NSArray 196–200
See also arrays
creating 169–170, 173–174
Java 146
methods 196–200
NSCalendarDate 206–209
conversion specifiers 206
methods 207–209
NSCoding protocol 132–133
NSDictionary 200–205
creating 169–170, 173–174
Java 146
methods 201–205
NSMutableArray 196–200
methods 196–200
NSMutableDictionary 200–205
methods 201–205
NSMutableString 191–195
methods 192–195
NSNumber 169
NSString 191–195
See also strings
creating 169–170, 173–174
Java 146
methods 192–195
object, definition 165
objectAtIndex: method 198
objectForKey: method 116, 204
debugging 58
and WebScript 183–186
operators 176–178
See also components
caching, See caching pages
composition 69–71, 82–87
name, storage 68
requesting directly in URL 53
storing custom objects 131–133
storing state 124–126
page size
limiting 158
pageCacheSize method 136
pageWithName: method 52
overriding 138–139
performance issues 156–160
performParentAction: method 86, 100
prefetching 158
processes involved in running
applications 25–28