OR-Fab 84100 ROCK SLIDER SIDE BAR TJ User Manual
OR-Fab For the car

87-95 YJ
Kit # 84095
97-04 TJ
Kit # 84100
Read and understand all instructions, warnings, cau-
tions, and notes in this sheet and in your owner’s man-
ual before you install this kit.
A. Before Starting Installation
1. Read all warnings and instructions completely and
carefully before you begin.
2. Check to make sure the kit is complete (refer to the
Kit Parts List at the end of this document).
3. Only install this kit on the vehicle for which it is
intended. If anytime during the installation you
encounter something different from what is outlined
in the instructions, call technical support at (928)
B. Install Kit
1. Mark drilling locations.
a. Set kit side bar in desired position against frame
side and support. Ensure front mounting flange
of kit side bar is forward of body mount.
b. Level kit side bar in relation to body.
c. Using holes in mounting flanges as a template,
mark drilling locations on side of frame.
d. Remove kit side bar.
2. Drill mounting holes.
a. Center punch each of the marked locations.
b. Drill 5/16” holes in each marked location.
3. Install kit side bar.
a. Install kit side bar using kit bolts. DO NOT over-
tighten kit bolts.
Kit Parts List
Bolt, 3/8” x 1”, self-tapping
Side bar, rock slider
Rev. 01, Copyright 08/04 Performance Automotive
Parts provided in this kit are prefaced by the word kit
and appear in bold print.
Kit Side Bar
Document Outline
- A. Before Starting Installation
- 1. Read all warnings and instructions completely and carefully before you begin.
- 2. Check to make sure the kit is complete (refer to the Kit Parts List at the end of this document).
- 3. Only install this kit on the vehicle for which it is intended. If anytime during the installation you encounter something different from what is outlined in the instructions, call technical support at (928) 636-7080.
- B. Install Kit
- Kit Parts List