B&B Electronics Zlinx ZP Series User Manual

Page 55

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Manual Documentation Number: ZP24D-250RM-SR-2508


B&B Electronics Mfg Co Inc – 707 Dayton Rd - PO Box 1040 - Ottawa IL 61350 - Ph 815-433-5100 - Fax 815-433-5104 –

B&B Electronics – Westlink Commercial Park – Oranmore, Galway, Ireland – Ph +353 91-792444 – Fax +353 91-792445 –

MM (MAC Mode) Command
MM command is used to set and
read the MAC Mode value. The
MM command disables/enables
the use of a Max-Stream header
contained in the 802.15.4 RF
packet. By default (MM = 0), B&B
Mode is enabled and the module
adds an extra header to the data
portion of the 802.15.4 packet.
This enables the following
• ND and DN command support
• Duplicate packet detection
when using ACKs
The MM command allows users to
turn off the use of the extra
header. Modes 1 and 2 are strict 802.15.4 modes. If the B&B header is disabled, ND
and DN parameters are also disabled.

Note: When MM > 0, application and CCA failure retries are not supported.

MY (16-bit Source Address)
MY command is used to set and
read the 16-bit source address of
the RF module.

By setting MY to 0xFFFF, the
reception of RF packets having a
16-bit address is disabled. The 64-bit address is the module’s serial number and is
always enabled.

ND (Node Discover) Command
ND command is used to discover
and report all modules on its
current operating channel (CH
parameter) and PAN ID (ID
parameter). ND also accepts an NI
(Node Identifier) value as a
parameter. In this case, only a
module matching the supplied
identifier will respond.

ND uses a 64-bit long address when sending and responding to an ND request. The
ND command causes a module to transmit a globally addressed ND command
packet. The amount of time allowed for responses is determined by the NT (Node
Discover Time) parameter.

In AT Command mode, command completion is designated by a carriage return
(0x0D). Since two carriage returns end a command response, the application will

AT Command: ATMM

Parameter Range:0 - 2

Parameter Configuration


B&B Mode

(802.15.4 + B&B



802.15.4 (no ACKs)


802.15.4 (with ACKs)

Default Parameter Value:0

Related Commands: ND (Node Discover), DN
(Destination Node)

Minimum Firmware Version Required: v1.x80

AT Command: ATMY

Parameter Range: 0 - 0xFFFF

Default Parameter Value: 0

Related Commands: DH (Destination Address
High), DL (Destination Address Low), CH
(Channel), ID (PAN ID)

AT Command: ATND

Range: optional 20-character NI value

Related Commands: CH (Channel), ID (Pan ID),
MY (Source Address), SH (Serial Number High),
SL (Serial Number Low), NI (Node Identifier),
NT (Node Discover Time)

Minimum Firmware Version Required: v1.x80