B&B Electronics Zlinx ZP Series User Manual

Page 51

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Manual Documentation Number: ZP24D-250RM-SR-2508


B&B Electronics Mfg Co Inc – 707 Dayton Rd - PO Box 1040 - Ottawa IL 61350 - Ph 815-433-5100 - Fax 815-433-5104 –

B&B Electronics – Westlink Commercial Park – Oranmore, Galway, Ireland – Ph +353 91-792444 – Fax +353 91-792445 –

FP (Force Poll) Command
FP command is used to request
indirect messages being held by a

FR (Software Reset) Command
The FR command is
used to force a software reset on
the RF module. The reset simulates powering off and then on again the module.

GT (Guard Times) Command

GT Command is used to set the DI
(data in from host) time-of-silence
that surrounds the AT command
sequence character (CC
Command) of the AT Command
Mode sequence (GT + CC + GT).

The DI time-of-silence is used to
prevent inadvertent entrance into
AT Command Mode.

Refer to the Command Mode section for more information regarding the AT
Command Mode Sequence.

HV (Hardware Version)
The HV command
is used to read the hardware
version of the RF module.

IA (I/O Input Address) Command

The IA command is used to bind a
module output to a specific
address. Outputs will only change
if received from this address. The
IA command can be used to
set/read both 16 and 64-bit

Setting all bytes to 0xFF will not allow the reception of any I/O packet to change
outputs. Setting the IA address to 0xFFFF will cause the module to accept all I/O

AT Command: ATFP

Minimum Firmware Version Required: v1.x80

AT Command: ATFR

Minimum Firmware Version Required: v1.x80

AT Command: ATGT

Parameter Range:2 - 0x0CE4 [x 1 millisecond]

Default Parameter Value:0x3E8 _ (1000 decimal)

Related Command: CC (Command Sequence

AT Command: ATHV

Parameter Range:0 - 0xFFFF [Read-only]

Minimum Firmware Version Required: v1.x80

AT Command: ATIA

Parameter Range:0 - 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF

Default Parameter
Value:0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF_ (will not allow any
received I/O packet to change outputs)

Minimum Firmware Version Required: v1.xA0