Fixed dialing, Certificate manager, View certificate details – Nokia E75 User Manual

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Fixed dialing








SIM contacts


Fixed dial contacts


With the fixed dialing service, you can restrict calls from your

device to certain phone numbers. Not all SIM cards support

the fixed dialing service. For more information, contact your

service provider.
When fixed dialing is activated, calls may be possible to the

official emergency number programmed into your device.
1. To restrict calls from your device, select




SIM contact

, and enter the contact name and phone

number to the list of numbers to which calls are allowed,

or select

Add from Contacts

to copy the contact from the

contacts list. To restrict calls by a country prefix, enter the

country prefix in the list of numbers. All phone numbers

to which calls are allowed must start with this country


2. Select



Activate fixed dialing

. You need your

PIN2 code to activate and deactivate fixed dialing or edit

your fixed dialing contacts. If you do not have the code,

contact your service provider. To cancel the service, select



Deactivate fixed dialing


Tip: To send text messages to the SIM contacts while

the fixed dialing service is active, you need to add the

text message center number to the fixed dialing list.

Certificate manager




Control panel








Certificate management


Digital certificates are used to verify the origins of software

but do not guarantee safety. There are four different types of

certificates: authority certificates, personal certificates,

trusted site certificates and device certificates. During a

secure connection, a server may send a server certificate to

your device. Upon receipt, it is checked through an authority

certificate stored in your device. You receive notification if

the identity of the server is not authentic or if you do not have

the correct certificate in your device.
You can download a certificate from a web site, or receive a

certificate as a message. Certificates should be used when

you connect to an online bank or a remote server to transfer

confidential information. They should also be used if you

want to reduce the risk of viruses or other malicious software,

and to check the authenticity of software when you

download and install software to your device.

Tip: When you add a new certificate, check its


View certificate details

You can only be sure of the correct identity of a server when

the signature and the validity period of a server certificate

have been checked.

Security and data management

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