Konica Minolta bizhub C550 User Manual

Page 405

background image






The difference in intensity between the light and dark parts of the im-
age (light/dark variation). An image with little light/dark variation is
said to have a low contrast, and an image with large light/dark vari-
ation is said to have a high contrast.


Abbreviation for Comma Separated Values. One of the formats for
saving database or spreadsheet data as a text file. (The file extension
is “.csv”.) The data, which is separated by commas (as the delimiter),
can be shared by different applications.


The initial settings. The settings first selected when the machine is
turned on, or the settings first specified when the function is select-

Default gateway

A device, such as a computer or router, used as a “gateway” to ac-
cess computers not on the same LAN.


An indication of the amount of darkness in the image.


Abbreviation for Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol. A protocol in
which a client computer on a TCP/IP network automatically specifies
the network settings from the server. With collective management of
the IP address for DHCP clients on the DHCP server, you can avoid
duplication of an address and you can build a network easily.


Abbreviation for Domain Name System. A system that acquires the
supported IP addresses from host names in a network environment.
DNS allows the user to access other computers over a network by
specifying host names, instead of difficult to memorize and under-
stand IP addresses.

DPI (dpi)

Abbreviation for Dots Per Inch. A resolution unit used by printers and
scanners. Indicates how many dots per inch are represented in an
image. The higher the value, the higher the resolution.


Software that works as a bridge between a computer and a periph-
eral device.

Dynamic authentication
(LDAP setting)

An authentication method option for connecting to the LDAP server
from the multifunctional product. Select this option if the name and
password for logging on to the LDAP server must be entered each
time by the user when referencing the destination information from
the LDAP server.


LAN transmission line standard

File extension

The characters added to the file name in order to differentiate file for-
mats. The file extension is added after a period, for example, “.bmp”
or “.jpg”.


Abbreviation for File Transfer Protocol. A protocol for transferring
files over the Internet or an intranet on the TCP/IP network.


Hardware and software used as the point where a network is con-
nected to a network. A gateway also changes data formats, ad-
dresses, and protocols according to the connected network.


The light and dark levels of an image. As the number increases,
smoother brightness variations can be reproduced.


Monochrome image expressive form using the gradation information
from black to white.

