Snmp – ATTO Technology Diamond Storage Array S-Class User Manual
Page 29

system through a common interface. You use CLI
commands or the SNMP page of the
ExpressNAV interface to configure up to six
unique Trap addresses. A trap is a way for the
array to tell the SNMP server that something has
SNMP, or Simple Network Management
Protocol, is an application layer protocol that
allows network devices to exchange management
information. Through a combination of standard
and custom MIBs, the array provides status and
error indications to an SNMP server, allowing the
array to be managed with other devices in a
complex system through a common interface.
You use CLI commands or the SNMP page of the
ExpressNAV interface to configure up to six
unique Trap addresses. A trap is a way for the
array to tell the SNMP server that something has
Exhibit 5.0-1 An example of the POST information on screen after boot
Diamond Storage Array
(c) 2004 ATTO Technology, Incorporated.
Firmware version 5.40 release date Mar 30 2004, 10:43:06 Build 021G
Power-On Self-Test Completion Status: GOOD
64 Megabytes of RAM Installed.
Interface Port 0 is not installed.
Interface Port 1 is 1.0624 Gb/s Fibre Channel.
Interface 0 World Wide Name = 20 00 00 10 86 10 02 DC
Interface 1 World Wide Name = 20 00 00 10 86 10 02 DC
Diamond Array Serial Number = "MIDP100197"
Diamond Array Name = " "
System Serial Number = ""
Active Configuration = ATTO
DiamondClass = (S)83
Internal Temperature = 26 C [5 - 47]
ErrorLog Contents: NO ERRORS
For help, type HELP.