Program port commands (cont.) – AMX NETLINX MASTER NXC-ME260 User Manual
Page 25
NXC-ME260 NetLinx Master-Ethernet Card/Module
Program Port Commands (Cont.)
Displays the log of messages stored in the Master's memory.
The Master logs all internal messages and keeps the most recent mes-
sages. The log contains:·
• Entries starting with first specified or most recent
• Date, Day, and Time message was logged
• Which object originated the message
• The text of the message
SHOW LOG [start] [end]
If start is not entered, the most recent message will be first.
If end is not entered, the last 20 messages will be shown.
If ALL is entered, all stored messages will be shown, starting with the
most recent.
Message Log for System 50 Version: v2.10.75
Entry Date/Time Object
1: 11-01-2001 THU 14:14:49 ConnectionManager
Memory Available = 11436804 <26572>
2: 11-01-2001 THU 14:12:14 ConnectionManager
Memory Available = 11463376 <65544>
3: 11-01-2001 THU 14:10:21 ConnectionManager
Memory Available = 11528920 <11512>
4: 11-01-2001 THU 14:10:21 TelnetSvr
Accepted Telnet connection:socket=14 addr= port=2979
5: 11-01-2001 THU 14:05:51 Interpreter
CIpEvent::OnLine 10002:1:50
6: 11-01-2001 THU 14:05:51 Interpreter
CIpEvent::OnLine 128:1:50
7: 11-01-2001 THU 14:05:51 Interpreter
CIpEvent::OffLine 128:1:50
8: 11-01-2001 THU 14:05:51 Interpreter
CIpEvent::OnLine 96:1:50
9: 11-01-2001 THU 14:05:51 Interpreter
CIpEvent::OffLine 96:1:50
10: 11-01-2001 THU 14:05:51 Interpreter
CIpEvent::OnLine 128:1:50
11: 11-01-2001 THU 14:05:51 Interpreter
CIpEvent::OnLine 96:1:50
12: 11-01-2001 THU 14:05:51 Interpreter
CIpEvent::OnLine 5001:16:50
13: 11-01-2001 THU 14:05:51 Interpreter
CIpEvent::OnLine 5001:15:50
14: 11-01-2001 THU 14:05:51 Interpreter
CIpEvent::OnLine 5001:14:50
15: 11-01-2001 THU 14:05:51 Interpreter
CIpEvent::OnLine 5001:13:50
16: 11-01-2001 THU 14:05:51 Interpreter
CIpEvent::OnLine 5001:12:50
17: 11-01-2001 THU 14:05:51 Interpreter
CIpEvent::OnLine 5001:11:50
18: 11-01-2001 THU 14:05:51 Interpreter
CIpEvent::OnLine 5001:10:50
19: 11-01-2001 THU 14:05:51 Interpreter
CIpEvent::OnLine 5001:9:50
20: 11-01-2001 THU 14:05:51 Interpreter
CIpEvent::OnLine 5001:8:50
Displays a list of devices (up to 1000) that other systems have requested
input from and the types of information needed.
Device Notification List of devices requested by other Systems
Device:Port System Needs
00128:00001 00108 Channels Commands Strings Levels
33000:00001 00108 Channels Commands