WIKA CS4L User Manual
Page 45

Operating Instructions Temperature Indicating Controller CS4H / CS4L
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9.2 Optional specifications
Alarm output 2 (A2) process value monitoring [option codes: 2AS or 2AL]
When A2 action is set as Energized, the alarm action point is set by ±deviation to OUT1 setting (except
Process alarm).
When the input exceeds the range, the output turns ON or OFF (in the case of High/Low limit range
When the alarm action is set as Deenergized, the output acts conversely.
When option Alarm output 2 is added, one more option Heater burnout alarm or 2. control output can be
When the option [2AL] process value and loop monitoring is selected, the output terminal is common.
Setting accuracy : The same as the Indicating accuracy
: ON/OFF action
: For thermocouple and RTD inputs, 0.1 ... 100.0 °C (°F)
For DC current and voltage inputs, 1 ... 1000
(The placement of the decimal point follows the selection)
Output :
Control capacity 3 A, 250 V AC (resistive load)
Electrical life 100,000 times
Alarm output 2 (LA) Loop break alarm [option codes: 2AR or 2AL]
Detects the breaking status on the loop such as heater burnout, sensor burnout or actuator trouble.
When option Alarm output 2 is added, one more option Heater burnout alarm or 2. control output can be
When the option [2AL] process value and loop monitoring is selected, the output terminal is common.
Setting range
: Loop break alarm action time: 0 ... 200 minutes
Loop break alarm action span: 0 ... 150 °C (°F), 0.0 ... 150.0 °C (°F),
For DC input, 0 ... 1500 (The placement
of the decimal point follows the selection)
: Relay contact 3 A, 250 V AC (Resistive load)
Electrical life 100,000 times
Heater burnout alarm [option codes: W10, W11, W12, W15]
Watches the heater current with CT (current transformer), and detects the heater burnout.
Heater burnout alarm is activated when sensor is burnt out or when indication is overscale or un-
When the option Heater burnout alarm is applied, one more option Alarm output 2 or 2. control output
can be added.
This option cannot be applied to control output Analogue current signal (4 ... 20 mA).
Heater rated current : 5 A, 10 A, 20 A, 50 A, Must be specified
Setting accuracy
: Within ±5 % of heater rated current
: ON/OFF action
Output :
Control capacity 3 A, 250 V AC (resistive load)
Electrical life 100,000 times