Model icp, 2 connection of pipings to the pump, 3 coupling – Goulds Pumps ICP - IOM User Manual
Page 19

Installation, Operating and Maintenance Instruction
Model ICP
ICP 100-English
page 10
Revision 00
Article No 24264412
5.2 Connection of Pipings to the Pump
The pump must not be used as fixed point for
the piping. The permitted piping loads must not
be exceeded, refer to chapter 3.5.
5.2.1 Suction and discharge pipe
The pipes must be of a size and design that liquid
can flow freely into the pump and that the pump
functions without problems. Particular attention is
to be paid to ensuring that suction pipes are air-
tight and that the NPSH values are observed. Un-
der suction lift condition lay the suction pipe in the
horizontal section towards the pump so that it is
slightly inclined upwards so that no air traps occur.
Under positive suction head condition install the
suction pipe work slightly declined towards the
pump. Do not install fittings or elbows right before
the suction nozzle.
If the suction supply is under vacuum and en-
trained gas may be present in the liquid, it is rec-
ommended that a vent line be considered up-
stream of the pump suction with return to the suc-
tion supply, above the max liquid level.
An additional flushed piping - discharge branch-
vent line - makes it easier to de-aerate the pump
before start-up (pic 3).
pic 3
When laying the pipes, make sure that the pump
is accessible for maintenance, installation and
Notice "Permitted Forces on Flanges" (chapter
If expansion joints are used in the pipes, they
have to be supported in such a way that the pump
is not loaded unduely high because of the pres-
sure in the pipes.
Before connecting up to pump: remove protective
coverings from suction and discharge branches.
Before starting up, the pipe system, fittings and
equipment must be cleaned to remove weld spat-
ter, scale etc. Any pollutants are to be completely
removed from pump units that are directly or indi-
rectly connected to drinking water systems before
being installed and taken into use.
To protect the shaft sealing (especially mechani-
cal seals) against foreign impurities, it is recom-
mended that a sieve, 800 micron, is installed in
the suction/intake pipe when the motor is being
started up.
If the pipe system is tested with the pump in-
stalled, do not exceed the maximum permitted
casing pressure of the pump and/or shaft sealing
(see data sheet).
When emptying the pipe after the pressure test,
make sure that the pump is treated properly (dan-
ger of rust and problems when starting up).
In the case of pumps with stuffing boxes, replace
packing after pressure test (packing may be over-
compressed and thus no longer suitable for use).
5.2.2 Additional connections
Any required sealing, flushing or cooling pipe connec-
tions must be installed. Please consult the data sheet
to see which pipes, pressures and amounts are nec-
essary. The position and size of connections to the
pump are given in the appendix, "Connections".
These connections are essential for the func-
It is recommended that a pipeline is installed to take
off any leakage from the shaft seal. For connection,
see appendix, "Connections".
5.3 Coupling
Make sure that nobody can start the motor dur-
ing work on the coupling.
According to Accident Prevention Regulations,
the pump unit may only be operated when the
coupling guard is mounted.
On operation in zone 1 and 2 a coupling with
valid Atex-certification must be used.
The Operating Instructions of the manufacturer
must be followed.
5.3.1 Alignment of coupling
The alignment of the coupling must be carried
out with the utmost care and attention, so that
the unit will operate without failure. If you do not
pay attention to this hint you will lose your war-
After mounting onto the foundation and the
connection of the pipings the coupling must be
adjusted again, even, if the unit was delivered
completely mounted on the frame.
Before starting installation, carefully clean shaft
ends and coupling components.
Before adjusting the coupling unfasten screws
(901.12) between bearing bracket (330) and cas-
ing foot (183) and only fasten again after the ad-
justment. Repeat measurement after fastening of
screws (901.12).