Model icp, 3 bearings, 4 approximate value for sound pres- sure level – Goulds Pumps ICP - IOM User Manual
Page 16

Installation, Operating and Maintenance Instruction
Model ICP
ICP 100-English
page 7
Revision 00
Article No 24264412
sheet and / or the order confirmation the shaft sealing
type of your pump is shown.
An instruction for the packing of a stuffing box resp.
for the mounting and operation of mech. seals can be
found in the appendix of the particular "Mounting In-
structions of the Shaft Sealing".
In areas endangered to explosion the use of
pumps with packings is forbidden!
Further details about packings and mech.
seals, as well as the therewith connected acci-
dental dangers, you can find in chapter 6.6 and
in chapters 7.2 and 7.3.
3.3 Bearings
The pump shaft is guided by antifriction bearings. In
the data sheet and / or order confirmation you can see,
if your pump is designed for oil lubrication (standard
design) or grease lubrication (special design).
In areas endangered to explosion the use of
pumps with grease lubricated bearings is for-
3.3.1 Used bearings
The size of the bearing bracket of your pump is shown
in the data sheet and / or order confirmation.
Bearing type
Bearing bracket
pump side
drive side
6307 - C3
3307A - C3
6309 - C3
3309A - C3
6311 - C3
3311A - C3
6313 - C3
3313A - C3
3.3.2 Oil Sump Cooling
On temperatures of the pumped liquid over 160°C an
oil sump cooling is required.
For connection refer to list "Connections" in the annex.
For cooling use pure, non-aggressive water with a
maximum incomming temperature of 30°C.
Cooling water should be hand-warm at discharge.
The pressure in the cooling system must not ex-
ceed max. 6 bar.
Provide control devices for temperature and pres-
sure monitoring.
3.4 Approximate Value for Sound Pres-
sure Level
Sound pressure level L
in dB(A)
Pump alone
Pump + Motor
in kW
0,55 50,5 49,5 49,0 58,0 52,0 51,5
0,75 52,0 51,0 50,5 59,0 54,0 53,0
1,1 54,0 53,0 52,5 60,0 55,5 54,5
1,5 55,5 55,0 54,5 63,5 57,0 56,0
2,2 58,0 57,0 56,5 64,5 59,0 58,5
3,0 59,5 58,5 58,0 68,5 61,0 62,0
4,0 61,0 60,0 59,5 69,0 63,0 63,0
5,5 63,0 62,0 61,5 70,0 65,0 65,0
7,5 64,5 63,5 63,0 70,5 67,0 67,0
11,0 66,5 65,5 65,0 72,0 69,0 68,5
15,0 68,0 67,0 66,5 72,5 70,0 70,5
18,5 69,0 68,5 68,0 73,0 70,5 74,0
22,0 70,5 69,5 69,0 74,5 71,0 74,0
30,0 72,0 71,0 70,5 75,0 72,0 73,0
37,0 73,0 72,0 71,5 76,0 73,5 73,5
45,0 74,0 73,0 72,5 77,0 74,5 73,5
55,0 75,5 74,5 74,0 78,0 75,5 75,0
75,0 77,0 76,0 75,5 80,0 76,5 76,0
90,0 78,0 77,0 -- 80,5 77,5 --
79,0 78,0 -- 82,5 78,5 --
80,0 79,0 -- 83,0 79,5 --
81,0 80,0 -- 83,5 80,5 --
Sound pressure level L
measured in 1 m distance
from pump surface acc. to DIN 45635, part 1 and 24.
Room and foundation influences are not considered.
The tolerance for these values is
±3 dB(A).
Addition with 60 Hz-operation:
Pump alone:
Pump with motor: +4 dB(A)
3.5 Permitted Nozzle Loads and Torques
at the Pump Nozzles ...
... following the Europump-Recommendation for
pump acc. to ISO 5199.
The data for forces and torques are only valid for
static piping loads.
The values given in the chart are valid for pump units
with standard-ICP-base frames (ungrouted).
All values for forces and torques refer to standard
materials EN-GJS400-18LT and 1.4408.
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