Myron L 9PTK with FCE Free Chlorine User Manual

Page 63

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A. Standardized to 25°C

Conductivity is measured with great accuracy in the Ultrameter III using

a method that ignores fill level, electrolysis, electrode characteristics, etc.,

and features a microprocessor to perform temperature compensation. In

simpler instruments, conductivity values are usually assigned an average

correction similar to that of KCl solutions for correction to 25°C. The

correction to an equivalent KCl solution is a standard set by chemists

that standardizes the measurements and allows calibration with precise

KCl solutions. In the Ultrameter III, this correction can be set to other

solutions or tailored for special measurements or applications.

B. Tempco Variation

Most conductivity instruments use an approximation of the temperature

characteristics of solutions, perhaps even assuming a constant value.

The value for KCl is often quoted simply as 2%/°C. In fact, KCl tempco

varies with concentration and temperature in a non-linear fashion. Other

solutions have more variation still. The Ultrameter III uses corrections

that change with concentration and temperature instead of single

average values. See Chart 1.

C. An Example of 2 different solution selections and the

resulting compensation

How much error results from treating natural water as if it were KCl at
