Myron L 9PTK with FCE Free Chlorine User Manual
Page 34

to step the displayed value toward the
standard’s value or hold a key down to scroll rapidly through
the reading.
once to confirm new value and end the calibration
sequence for this particular solution type.
3. Resistivity Calibration
Resistivity is the reciprocal of Conductivity. To calibrate resistivity,
calibrate conductivity for the solution type you wish to measure (ref.
Conductivity or TDS Calibration, pg. 29).
4. Reloading Factory Calibration (Cond or TDS)
If calibration is suspect or known to be incorrect, and no standard
solution is available, the calibration value can be replaced with the
original factory value for that solution. This “FAC” value is the same for
all Ultrameter IIIs, and returns you to a known state without solution
in the cell. The “FAC” internal electronics calibration (which bypasses
the electrodes and cell) is not intended to replace calibration with
conductivity/TDS standard solutions. If another solution type requires
resetting, change solution type and repeat this procedure.
. (If in “User” solution mode — press cal key
twice if in Conductivity, and three times if in TDS to skip over
tempco and ratio adjustments.)
key until “Fac” appears and release.
to accept the factory calibration setting.
5. Alkalinity Calibration
Prepare the materials required for titration: Alkalinity Standard Solution
100PPM, Reagent: A1, cell extender, T-plunger, and 100 µL pipette with
a clean tip installed.
nOte: If you do not complete each titration point within the 3-minute
timeout period, the unit exits the Alkalinity function. Between titrations,
the unit will automatically power off after the period of inactivity defined
in the AUTO OFF setting (ref. AUTO OFF, pg. 45). Press alK to start the
titration process over from step 1.
If you make a gross error in your titration method, e.g., you forget to add
sample to the cell, “err” will display. Start the titration over from Step 1
to obtain a reading.