CatEye IF-TR100 Download Kit User Manual

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Download kit

INTRODUCTION ............................................. 1

READING THIS MANUAL ............................... 2

TABLE OF CONTENTS .................................... 3

ABOUT DOWNLOAD KIT ................................ 4

BEFORE YOU BEGIN ...................................... 5

Contents of download kit ............................ 5

Parts of download unit ................................ 5

Battery installation ...................................... 5

System requirements for e-Train Data Ver.3 ... 6

INSTALLING e-Train Data Ver. 3 .................... 7

UNINSTALLING e-Train Data Ver. 3 ................ 11

CONNECTING DOWNLOAD KIT ..................... 13

Connecting to PC ........................................ 13

Connecting CC-TR100 ................................. 13

SETTING SERIAL PORT ................................. 14

Select the serial port to be used .................. 14

Watching connection and icon on the

task tray ...................................................... 14

To suspend watching connection ................ 15

To resume watching connectio .................... 15

DOWNLOADING DATA ................................... 16

Changing the CC-TR100 settings via the PC .. 19

OPERATING e-Train Data Ver. 3 ..................... 20

Starting e-Train Data Ver. 3 ......................... 20

Operating the “e-Train Data Ver.3 Data View”

screen ......................................................... 23

MANAGING DATA .......................................... 27

Opening data ............................................... 27

Deleting data ............................................... 28

Importing data ............................................ 29

Converting data to other file formats ........... 29

MAKING A TRAINING PLAN .......................... 30

Adding a training plan ................................. 30

Loading a plan ............................................. 32

Saving a training plan .................................. 33

PRINTING DATA ............................................ 34

DISPLAYING LAP DATA ................................. 35


Heart rate (HR) zone ................................... 36

DISPLAYING CADENCE ZONE ....................... 37

Cadence (CDC) zone ................................... 37

DISPLAYING POWER ZONES ........................ 38

Power zone ................................................. 38

DISPLAYING DATA SUMMARY ...................... 39

Displaying data overview ............................. 39

Entering notes ............................................. 39

DISPLAYING DATA HISTORY ......................... 40

Displaying training history .......................... 40

Displaying graph of time in zone ................. 43

DATA ANALYSIS ............................................ 46

CHANGING SETTINGS ................................... 47

Changing e-Train Data Ver. 3 settings .......... 47

Changing user settings ............................... 48

EXITING e-Train Data Ver. 3 ........................... 48

ON-LINE MEASUREMENT ............................. 49

Online measurement procedure .................. 49

Exploring the “On-Line [e-Train Data Ver. 3]”

screen ......................................................... 50

QUICK REFERENCE ....................................... 52

TROUBLESHOOTING ..................................... 53

COPYRIGHT ................................................... 54

LIMITED WARRANTY .................................... 54

REGISTRATION ............................................. 54

REGISTRATION CARD ................................... 55