Balboa Water Group Revolution User Manual

Page 99

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Manufactured under one or more of these patents. U.S. Patents: 5332944, 5361215, 5550753, 5559720, 5,883,459, 6253227, 6282370, 6590188, 6976052, 6965815, 7030343, 7,417,

834 b2, Canadian Patent: 2342614, Australian patent: 2373248 other patents both foreign and domestic applied for and pending. All material copyright of Balboa Water Group.


readings, toggle A/B sensor 44
Recommended Installation Accessories 78
Requirements, IT Power 69
requirements, UL height 96
reset message 37
restrictions, suction flow 35
rubber isolation pads 95


Schematics, Circ Pump Plumbing 93
Schematics, Non-Circ Pump Plumbing 92
Sensor Balance is Poor 38
sensor circuit has failed 38
Sensor-Related Messages 38
Services, Electrical 69
Service, Single 69
Service, Three 69
SETP: Setup 42
Set the time 29
settings, DIP Switch 50
settings, Factory default 59
settings, SW16: DIP switch 42
set-up, hardware 48
Setup, Software 70
shown, Heater Type 50
shown, VAC input power 50
shut-off valves 91
Signature, SIG: 42
SIG: Signature 42
Single Service 69
site, technical 83
site, web 18, 19
SNSR A ---- CALL FOR SRVC ---- 38
SNSR B ---- CALL FOR SRVC ---- 38

Software Self Identification 42, 81
Software Setup 70
software, test 35
spacer block 96
Spa, Priming the 25, 26
Specifications 11
Specifications & Certifications 75
SSID: System panel ID 42
STUK PUMP ---- 40
Sub-utilities Menu 46
suction flow restrictions 35
suction-side mounting 96
Suction Side Mounting 94
Supporting Documents 83
SW16: DIP switch settings 42
Switch, Aux Freeze 34
System, Circ 88
System Configuration 57
System, IT Electrical 69
System Model 11
system, Mount the 15
System, Non-circ 88
System Panel ID 42, 81
system, pressure side heater 94
System-Related Messages 39
system, vacuum side heater 94


Table, Configuration 58
Tailpiece Kit 77
technical site 83
Template, Cutout 18, 19, 83
Terminal Block Connections 21
Test Mode 35, 40
Test, Program Checksum 39

test software 35
Test the ground fault circuit interrupter 4
Three Service 69
time, Set the 29
TN and TT 69
toggle A/B sensor readings 44
Topside Panel Cable Installation 20
Top-Side Panel Installation 16
TP400 Series Panel 11
TP400T 16
TP400W 16
TP600 16
TP600 Panel 11
TP panels work with both Revolution models 11
trapped air 35
Tree, Utilities Menu 42
TT, TN and 69


UL height requirements 96
Utilities Menu 42, 43
Utilities Menu Tree 42


VAC input power shown 50
vacuum side heater system 94
valves, closed 35
valves, shut-off 91
Version, Panel 51
VG Compliant suction guard 4
vibration, minimize 95
Voltage Checks 86


Warning, End User 2
WATR TOO HOT ---- (OHS) 37
web site 18, 19