Index – Balboa Water Group Revolution User Manual
Page 97

Manufactured under one or more of these patents. U.S. Patents: 5332944, 5361215, 5550753, 5559720, 5,883,459, 6253227, 6282370, 6590188, 6976052, 6965815, 7030343, 7,417,
834 b2, Canadian Patent: 2342614, Australian patent: 2373248 other patents both foreign and domestic applied for and pending. All material copyright of Balboa Water Group.
6AWG copper conductors 85
12 hour clock mode 30
42°F TOO COLD 34
120 Volt Configuration 61
230V Conversions 62
240 Volt Configuration with Blower 60
240 Volt Configuration without Blower 59
55911, Part No. 11, 77
55914, Part No. 11, 77
---°F ---°C 34
A/B: Display 42
Accessories, Recommended Installation 78
Adequate drainage 4
Advanced System Configuration 56
air, trapped 35
alternates A and B sensor reading 42
appliance, continuous duty 84
Application Notes 83
Aux Freeze Switch 34
Auxiliary Panels 76
BETA VER- SION ---- 35
Bi-directional Flow Heater 12
block, spacer 96
cable connector 17
Canadian Electric Code 84
Certifications, Specifications & 75
Checks, Voltage 86
Circ Pump 80
Circ Pump Insert Kits 77
Circ Pump Plumbing Schematics 93
Circ System 88
Circuit, Class A Ground Fault 85
circulation pump 80
Class A GFCI 5
Class A Ground Fault Circuit 85
Clean-up (or purge) Cycle 80
closed jets 35
closed valves 35
CNFG FAIL ---- 39
Code, Canadian Electric 84
Code, Fault Message 52, 55
Code, Message 55
Code, National Electrical 84
Codes and Compliance 84
Codes, Fault Log Message 55
Compliance, Codes and 84
Components 12
Components, Optional System 79
condition, freeze 34
condition, overheat 25
conductors, 6AWG copper 85
Configuration, 120 Volt 61
Configuration, Advanced System 56
Configuration Setup 3 & 4 60
Configuration Setup 7 & 8 61
Configuration, System 57
Configuration Table 58
Connections, Terminal Block 21
connector, cable 17
connector, panel 20
continuous duty appliance 84
Conversions, 230V 62
Couplings (nuts and seals included) 11
Cutout Template 18, 19, 83
Cycle, Clean-up (or purge) 80
Cycle, Filtration 80
Default Setup 1 includes 59
Dimensions 13
DIP Switch settings 50
disconnect, electrical 85
disconnect, local 85
Documents, Supporting 83
drainage, Adequate 4
drip-loop 15, 20, 95
dry heater 36
electrical disconnect 85
Electrical Protection 85
Electrical Services 69
End User Warning 2
Entering the Utilities Menu 43
event, fault 55
Exiting Priming Mode 27
Factory default settings 59
failed, sensor circuit has 38
fault event 55
Fault Log 45, 52
Fault Log Message Codes 55
Fault Message Code 52, 55
Feature, GFCI Trip 40
Filling the spa 23
Filtration Cycle 80
freeze condition 34
freeze protection 35
Freeze Protection 80
Freeze Sensor Installation 83