Sony PCG-R505ELK User Manual
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Devices that are compliant with OpenMG technology standards — The USB ports on your computer enable you to
connect a compatible device that can play and record your audio files.
Devices that are connected to the computer's external input ports or jacks — You can listen to and record from a
connected device.
Audio file formats
OpenMG format: ATRAC3 files with the file extension .omg.
WAV format
MP3 format
Audio files that are compliant with WMT (Windows Media Technology).
Some MP3, WAV, and WMT compliant files may have incompatible sampling rates and cannot be imported. For details
on importing files, see the SonicStage Premium Help file.
Electronic Music Distribution (EMD) Services
EMD enables you to download music files via the Internet. To use Internet services that are compatible with SonicStage,
you need:
Access to the Internet from your computer. Sign up with an Internet Service Provider (ISP) and configure your
computer for Internet access before using EMD services.
An EMD service provider. Consult the provider for information about service.
Sonic Stage P remium s oftware does not s upport s tandard M emory Stic k media (blue c olor).
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