Midi, Midi channel, Continuous controllers – elektraLite CP1 User Manual

Page 17: Program changes, System exclusive (memory backup)

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# E_10051a



The CP-1 has an extensive MIDI implementation which will allow you to automate performances as well as backup
scene, chase and macro memory to disk.

NOTE:This manual does notattemptto explain howMIDI works or how to sequence a lighting show.

MIDI Channel

To set the MIDI channel on the CP-1 press “Enter”, “Scene”, “997”, “Enter”. The display will read:



Use the keyswitches to change the MIDI channel if desired. The MIDI channel will affect continuous controller messages
and program changes which are sent and received by the CP-1. If you are only concerned with backing up the memory
with MIDI, the MIDI channel need not be set.

Continuous Controllers

Each of the 48 control channels used by the CP-1 as well as the chase speed and crossfade controls will send and
receive MIDI continuous controller messages. The continuous controller numbers used are 1 -48 (01H-30H) which
correspond to DMX512 output channels 1 -48. Continuous controller 49 (31H) is used for the “Xfade Speed” fader and
continuous controller 50 (32H) for the “Chase Speed” fader. Each of these controls send or receive a 7 bit control value
from 0-127 (OOH-7FH). Continuous controller 0 is used as a bank select for the MIDI program change commands.
Banks 0 and 1 select the scenes, bank 2 selects chases and bank 3 selects macros. The MIDI controllers with their
corresponding CP-1 controls are shown in the MIDI implementation chart which follows.

Program Changes

The CP-1 sends and receives MIDI program changes when selecting scenes, chases, macros and blackouts. Because
MIDI only allows for 127 programs, bank switching is used with continuous controller 0 selecting the bank (0-3).
Whenever a scene, chase or macro is called from the CP-1 panel, a continuous controller 0 message which determines
the bank number (as explained in the previous paragraph) is sent followed by a program change. Bank 0 selects scenes
1 -127, bank 1 selects scenes 128-200, bank 2 selects chases 1 -50 and bank 3 selects macros 1 -50. The program
change value is equal to the scene, chase or macro number with the exception of bank 1 where scenes 128-200
correspond to MIDI programs 1 -73. A program change value of 0 is sent when “Black” is pressed with no bank select
message needed. Instead of sending a bank number, “Black” first sends a crossfade value using controller 49 before
sending a program 0 message.

System Exclusive (Memory Backup)

MIDI system exclusive messages are used by the CP-1 to encode the memory contents of the scenes, chases and
macros. A memory dump can be initiated from the front panel of the CP-1 or requested through the MIDI in port using
a system exclusive message. To back up or restore the CP-1 ‘s memory using a computer or MIDI data storage device
first consult the instructions for your particular storage device. To start the dump from the CP-1, press “Enter”, “Scene”,
“995”, “Enter”. The display will read:



When your receiver is ready press “Go” to start the memory dump. The message “SENDING” will appear on the CP-1
display. After the dump is complete the display will return to its previous state. The memory dump will require approx.
60K of disk space. When sending a memory dump back to the CP-1 the message “RECEIVING MEMORY” will appear
in the CP-1 display. After the memory dump has been received the message “MEMORY RECEIVED” will appear in the