Latch – elektraLite CP1 User Manual
Page 14

product manual
model nº c p 1
# E_10051a
When you press “Latch” the display will read:
Use the” +” key to turn latch on and the”-” key to turn it off. Turning latch on will allow scenes and chases to “pile on”.
This means that instead of replacing one scene or chase with another each time a new one is called, previously called
scenes and chases are left active and new ones are added to the overall look on stage. For a scene call this means that
if an instrument is not used in the latest called scene, it will retain its current settings from the previous scenes when
the new scene is called. Any instruments that are used in the new scene however will change. This is because the CP-1
always adheres to “latest takes precedence”. Note that when latch is off, an instrument will go to black if it is not used in
the scene that has been called.
To give an example of how latch might be used when calling scenes, consider having scene 1 which moves and focuses
instrument 1 with all other instruments off, scene 2 which moves and focuses instrument 2 with all other instruments
off, and scene 3 which moves and focuses instrument 3 with all other instruments off. With latch on, calling scene 1 will
only move and focus instrument 1 while all other instruments retain their old settings. Calling scene 2 will now focus
instrument 2 while instrument 1 keeps its settings from scene 1, and finally calling scene 3 will focus instrument 3 while
instruments 1 and 2 retain their settings from scenes 1 and 2. If latch were off, calling scene 1 would focus instrument 1
but all other instruments would go to black. Calling scenes 2 and 3 would also only focus one instrument while all others
would go to black.
With latch on, up to three different crossfades can occur simultaneously which are fading different instruments at
different speeds. In the unlikely event that three crossfades are happening at once, the last called scene will occur
without a crossfade.
For chases, latch on means that up to three chases can run simultaneously. To be effective though, each chase that is
running should be operating different instruments. If an instrument is shared between several chases that are running
simultaneously, the chases will fight over that instrument with latest takes precedent having control at any one time. If
three chases are already running, any new chase that is called will replace the oldest chase. The display will only show
the status of the latest chase that was called and likewise the “Chase Speed” and “Xfade Speed” faders will only affect
that chase. If audio takes control of the chase speed, all chases will try to sync to it.
Macros do not take advantage of the latch feature. If latch is on a macro ignores it.
The current latch status is stored in battery backed memory so that when you turn the CP-1 off it will power up as you
left it.