Autofocus, Af-area mode – Nikon D2H User Manual
Page 88
Taking Photographs—Focus
When the focus mode selector is set to S (single-servo autofocus) or C (con-
tin u ous-servo auto fo cus), the cam era fo cus es au to mat i cal ly when the shut-
ter-re lease but ton is pressed half way. This section de scribes fo cus op tions
that are only avail able in sin gle- and con tin u ous-servo AF.
AF-Area Mode
AF-area mode de ter mines how the focus area is
selected and what hap pens if the sub ject moves
out of the selected focus area while the cam era is
still fo cus ing. To select the AF-area mode, rotate
the AF-area mode selector. The selected mode is
shown by an icon in the top control panel. The
following options are avail able:
User selects focus area manually; camera focuses on subject in
selected focus area only. Use for relatively static com po si tions
with sub jects that will stay in selected focus area.
User selects focus area manually, but camera uses information
from multiple focus areas to de ter mine focus. If the sub ject
leaves selected focus area even briefl y, cam era will still be able
to focus based on in for ma tion from oth er focus areas (focus
area selected in view fi nd er does not change). Use when fol-
low ing erratically moving subjects and in oth
er situations in
which it is diffi cult to keep subject in se lect ed focus area.
User chooses group of focus areas
in top, left, center, right, or bottom
area of frame (see right); from this
group, camera automatically selects
focus area containing subject clos-
est to camera. Use when subject
is moving erratically but place of
subject in overall composition is
area AF
area AF