Cpu and cooler installation – Swiftech H20 220 T User Manual

Page 17

background image

Figure 2

Figure 3

Spray the back of the motherboard, concentrating on
the area immediately behind the CPU. Also spray all
the way down, in a vertical path directly under the
CPU area. Allow time to dry, per manufacturer

Use masking tape to protect the CPU socket, and any connector sockets in
the immediate vicinity of the processor. A double layer of tape is
recommended for all sockets, as the spray may soak a single layer of tape and
contaminate the contacts.

Spray the area immediately surrounding the socket. It is not recommended to
spray further than the area circled in the above picture. Allow the coating to
be “dry to the touch” (20 minutes approximately), and remove the masking
tape. Then let the board dry completely per manufacturer specs.

Dielectric grease application: This step will ensure that condensation does not form inside of the CPU socket. Please use the
provided Luberex grease.

Figure 4

Figure 5

Squirt a generous amount of grease onto the socket.

Force the grease inside of the pin holes with your finger. Make
sure that the central area of the socket is completely filled with

B. CPU and cooler installation

Copyright Swiftech 2005 – All rights reserved – Last revision date: 12-27-05 - Information subject to change without notice – URL:

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Preamble: The MCW5002-64T requires the AMD recommended motherboard backing plates (made out of metal) for its installation.
Some motherboard manufacturers use plastic back plates and snap-rivets to attach the CPU holding frame to the back-plate, which
cannot be used with the MCW5002-64T. AMD recommended backing plates and retention frames are available online on our site at: