Swiftech MCW5002 X User Manual

Parts list

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Swiftech Inc., 1703 E. 28


St., Signal Hill, CA 90755 T. (562) 595-8009 F. (562) 595-8769

Parts list





MCW5002-X™ assembly


Arctic Alumina Thermal compound


½” Barb fittings


This product is intended for expert users. Please consult with a qualified technician for installation. Improper installation may result in
damage to your components. Swiftech assumes no liability whatsoever, expressed or implied, for the use of these products, nor their
installation. The following instructions are subject to change without notice. Please visit our web site at




Preparing your Motherboard

Remove the existing heat sink

Carefully clean the CPU.

Lightly coat the CPU with the provided thermal compound. Only a paper-thin coat is necessary. It should be applied
using preferably a razor blade, or a credit card, held between thumb and index at a 45-degree angle.


Install the hose barbs into the MCW5002 Housing.

Plastic barbs are provided with all the MCW5002 series water-blocks, please do not swap for brass barbs, as cell
corrosion WILL result.

Thread sealant must be used when making up the threaded connection. The best sealant is 'Plumber's Goop' but
Teflon tape can be used as well.

i. With Goop, fill the threads on the barb and screw in by rotating 1/2 turn forward, 1/4 turn back (this

will help work the Goop into the water-block's female threads). After 24 hrs the goop will be quite

ii. With Teflon tape, apply 3 to 4 wraps in a clockwise rotation with the threaded end facing you, then

screw into the water-block's female threads without any backwards rotation. The Teflon sealed
connection may be tested immediately.

When properly made up there will be ~3/16" of thread showing under the 'nut’ portion of the fitting.

MCW5002-X™ water-block installation

The MCW5002-X water-block installs using Intel validated OEM retention clips. Please use the retention clips, and installation guide
provided with your motherboard for installation of the water-block onto the CPU.

Last revised 1-28-04 – copyright Swiftech