Allied Telesis AT-S39 User Manual

Page 167

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AT-S39 Command Line Interface User’s Guide



Specifies the file to be downloaded. Options are:


Downloads both the AT-S39
software image and bootloader.


Downloads a configuration file.


Downloads just the bootloader.

You can specify only one file type at a time.


Specifies the switch in an enhanced stack to which
you want to download a new version of AT-S39
software or a configuration file. This option, which
must be used with the METHOD=REMOTESWITCH
option, instructs the master switch to download its
AT-S39 software or configuration file onto the
specified switch. Switch numbers are displayed with
the SHOW REMOTELIST command. You can specify
more than one switch at a time (e.g., 1,3,4).


This command is used to download a new version of the AT-S39
software image or a configuration file onto an AT-8000 Series switch.
This command can download files as follows:

❑ From a management workstation to a switch via a local

management session

❑ From a master switch to other switches in an enhanced stack

For instructions on how to obtain new AT-S39 software images, refer
to Management Software Updates on page 11.

Before downloading files, note the following:

❑ This command can only be performed from a local management

session. This command is not available from a Telnet or web
browser management session.

❑ All switch models in the AT-8000 Series use the same AT-S39

software image.

❑ If you are downloading files switch-to-switch, you should always

use the SHOW REMOTELIST command first to determine the
switch numbers. (This also allows the management software to
determine which remote switches are in the enhanced stack.)