Allied Telesis AT-S63 User Manual

Page 591

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AT-S63 Management Software Command Line User’s Guide

Section VII: Internet Protocol Routing



Auth - The form of authentication. Possible settings are:
– NONE: no password authentication
– PASS: plaintext password authentication


Password - The authentication password, displayed with asterisks. A
value of NOT SET in this column indicates the interface does not have
a password for RIP.


PoisonReverse - The status of split horizon and split horizon with
poison reverse:
– OFF: The interface is using split horizon only. This is the default


– ON: The interface is using split horizon with poison reverse.


AutoSummary - The status of route autosummarization:
– OFF: The interface is not using route autosummarization. This is

the default setting.

– ON: The interface is using autosummarization.

To add RIP to an interface, refer to “ADD IP RIP” on page 560. To modify
the RIP settings of an interface, refer to “SET IP RIP” on page 577.

This command is not available on the AT-9408LC/SP, AT-9424T/GB, and
AT-9424T/SP Switches.


This command displays the RIP settings for all the interfaces that have the
routing protocol:

show ip rip interface

This command displays the RIP settings for the VLAN17-2 interface:

show ip rip interface=vlan17-2

The command does not display anything if the VLAN17-2 interface does
not have RIP.