Introduction, Preparing for installation, What you need for the installation – Maximum Summit Remote User Manual
Page 3: Planning the installation, Introduction preparing for installation

Thank you for buying a Summit remote. These instructions are designed to take you step by step
through the process of installing and using a Summit remote. Carefully following these instructions
will help ensure many years of trouble free service from your installation. If you are uneasy about
running wires you should consult a qualified professional. TV antenna, satellite dish, ham radio,
home entertainment and alarm system installers are good choices. You should be able to locate some
of these professionals in your area by consulting the yellow pages. It is always best to show prospec-
tive installers these instructions and obtain quotations from a few different installers in your area.
Preparing for Installation
What you need for the installation
To install Summit you will need the following items.
Components Included with Summit Remote
You may want to check off each item as you unpack the instrument.
Indicator (readout, brass case)
Pluggable terminal strips (one 3 position and, one 2 position)
120 VAC to 24 VDC adapter with 6’ of cable
Components Not Included with Summit Remote
Summit Master
Data link cable
Optional Components for Summit installations
Additional Summit Remote(s)
Planning the installation
Develop an overall plan
Summit master/remote systems can be used in many ways. Master Summit’s read the wind and
temperature sensors and show the current readings. Summit remotes connect to a master or, another
remote, via a 2400 baud data link and, can show current readings or calculated values. A simple
example is a master in one room and a remote displaying the current readings in a different room.
You can have an unlimited number of remotes connected to a system and, the remotes can be right
next to the master or miles away. The following diagrams illustrate a simple setup and some of the
more complex possibilities. If you are setting up a configuration more complicated than the simple
example, we strongly recommend that you sketch out your plan on paper now.