Campbell Scientific RF300-Series DRL VHF/UHF Radio Transceivers User Manual

Page 62

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RF Path - The designation of an RF link with
modem ID Numbers and modem commands.

RLQA (RF Link Quality Accumulators) -
Numbers which represent the quantity of
communication interruptions and the level of
communication noise.

Shutdown Block - Block of numbers which
contain the RF Link Quality Accumulators for
each modem in a terminated radiotelemetry

Signal Power - Power of a signal at the
receiving radio, after power is lost through

Start of Link Modem - The modem located at
the base station.

Squelch - Setting on the radio which specifies
the minimum power level which signals must be

Sub Link - Any segment of an RF link which
begins and ends with an RF station.

Telecommunications Mode - A datalogger
status which enables communication from a
computer directly to the datalogger.

UHF (Ultra High Frequency) - Carrier
frequencies commonly in the range of 406 to
512 MHz.

VHF (Very High Frequency) - Carrier
frequencies commonly in the range of 130 to
174 MHz.

VSWR (Voltage Standing Wave Ratio) - The
ratio of the standing wave voltage across the
RF transmission cable at the high voltage points
to that at the low voltage points.

Unidirectional - Capable of operating only in a
single direction.