3 automated data collection - pc208w – Campbell Scientific RF300-Series DRL VHF/UHF Radio Transceivers User Manual

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An example of a simple RF path is “32F”. The
F is only used when 9600 baud has been
selected, see above. The 32 is the value of the
dip switch settings inside the RF95A. If your
datalogger is using a security code, add the
code to the “Security Code” box.



One feature of PC208W is automated/scheduled
data collection. PC208W can be setup to call
each station based on time. To setup the
scheduler click on the setup button of the main
PC208W tool bar. Using the mouse, highlight
the datalogger of interest in the device map. If
the device map does not have the datalogger
listed, you must setup the datalogger including
the correct RF path. See Section 2.2.2 of your
PC208W manual for details. Using the
Schedule tab of the Setup window, set your
Calling Interval, Next time to Call, etc. If you
have questions concerning a field, press F1
while your cursor is in the field. Figure 4.1.2
shows the Setup window on the Schedule tab.
The current settings show a data collection

interval of 7 days, next time to call is October 31
at 10:00 p.m. If this time is in the past, PC208W
will start calling when the scheduler is turned on.
See the check box next to the datalogger name,
the check box is used to turn scheduled data
collection on and off.

The Primary Retry Interval is the time between
calls when the first call attempt failed. The
Retries Using Primary Interval is how many
times the software will continue to call when the
call fails. The time between each call is the
Primary Retry Interval. After the Retries Using
Primary Interval are used up, PC208W will go
into the Secondary Retry Interval. The
Secondary Retry Interval will continue until the
call is successful or the scheduler is turned off.
The Secondary Retry Interval is usually set to a
longer period, such as a day. The Clock Check
Interval, is used to set the datalogger clock to
match the computer clock. The automatic clock
update should be used with caution, computer
clocks are notoriously bad. The “After Call Do”
box can be used to run data management
software after PC208W is finished collecting
data. See your PC208W manual for details.

FIGURE 4.1-2. PC208W Setup Window/Schedule Tab