6 setpoint configuration, Setpoint configuration – Campbell Scientific OBS-3A Turbidity and Temperature Monitoring System User Manual

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OBS-3A Turbidity and Temperature Monitoring System

6.8.6 Setpoint Configuration

Setpoint Configuration mode is used for fast sampling of events such as
storms, floods, dredging operations, and construction activities. The unit will
revert to slow recording between events. Sample events two to five times
faster than the rate chosen for the periods between events. For example,
program the OBS-3A to sample slowly for a duration of 30 seconds every 900
seconds (15 minutes), and to sample at a fast rate every 180 seconds (three
minutes), when the turbidity level exceeds a specified setpoint.

Before setting the survey configuration, run a Barometric Correction from
the Options screen. Be sure to do this while the OBS-3A is at the surface.
Doing so when the instrument is submerged will result in large depth errors.
See Section 6.5, Water-Density and Barometric Corrections, for more details.

All of the parameters for a setpoint configuration are described below. After
setting the parameters, press the Start Setpoint Survey button to begin logging

Go to the Connection tab and press Disconnect to disconnect from the OBS-
3A. Unplug the test cable. Install dummy plug and locking sleeve. The
instrument is then ready for deployment.

After setting the parameters, you can also press the Save Configuration To
button to save the configuration to be used at a later time.

You can press the Load Configuration From File button to load a
configuration that has previously been saved. Then configuration can then be
edited and/or started in the OBS-3A.