Campbell Scientific LoggerLink Mobile App for Android User Manual

Page 32

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with an ID greater than 3999, but will ignore devices with

IDs less than 4000 that are not in their neighbor list.

Settings: Prevent Sleep

The Prevent Sleep setting will prevent your device from

going to sleep when connected to a datalogger.

Troubleshooting: Logging Enabled

Enabling logging will create a low level log file of all

communications with a datalogger. Note that enabling

logging will slow down LoggerLink. Logging should only

be enabled, if you are experiencing communication

Log files are stored on your device in the Campbellsci/Logs

directory. The filename is name.log, where name is the

name given to your datalogger when it was added to the

LoggerLink app. With your device connected to a computer

as a disk drive, you can navigate to this directory to copy

your log files to the computer.

Information: Version

The version of LoggerLink.