Campbell Scientific LoggerLink Mobile App for Android User Manual
Page 16

Program Info
The program currently running in the datalogger.
The date the currently running program was started.
Signature of the compiled binary data structure for the
current program. This value is independent of comments
added or non-functional changes to the program.
Compile Results
The results reported by the datalogger when it compiled the
currently running program.
Send Program
Click to send a new program file to the datalogger. The file
must be accessible to the LoggerLink App. (Programs to be
sent to your datalogger must be stored on your device in the
Campbellsci/Programs directory. With your device
connected to a computer as a disk drive, you can navigate to
this directory to copy files to your device from the
computer.) When Send Program is clicked, a list of
available files is displayed. When a file is selected, it will
be sent, compiled, and assigned the Run Options of Run
Now and Run on Power-up.