C.3 rs-485, Communications, Using – Campbell Scientific HC2S3 Temperature and Relative Humidity Probe User Manual

Page 37: An md485 rs-485 interface......... c-3

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Appendix C. HC2S3 Digital Communications

C.3 RS-485 Communications using an MD485 RS-485


The HC2S3 can be interfaced to a CSI datalogger through an MD485 RS-485
Interface using the Rotronic E2-05XX-MOD RS485 cable as described below.
Settings for the RS485 port on the MD485 must be configured to match the
configuration of the HC2S3, which are 19200 baud, No Parity, 8 Data Bits, 1
Stop bit, and No Flow Control.

Device Configuration Utility (CSI software available as a free download) is
used to configure the MD485. Configuration settings for the MD485 are
shown below:

MD485 Tab: CS I/O AND RS-485

CS I/O Tab: SDC Address 7

RS485 Tab: RS485 baud 19200
