Campbell Scientific CR510 Basic Datalogger User Manual

Page 187

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Telecommunication Parameters For Station:


Datalogger Type:


Security Code:


Use Asynchronous Communications Adapter:


Communications Baud Rate:


Data File Format:

Comma separated ASCII

Final Storage Collection Area:

Area 1

Interface Device:

#1: Hayes Modem



FIGURE D.3-1 Example Station File Settings for 115.STN

Next, create a schedule (for PC208E) or a script
(for TELCOM) file. This file tells the computer
to a) Wait for a call, b) Answer any incoming
calls, & c) the COM port & baud rate to use. In
this example, the file CALLME12.SCR is used.
You may name the file anything you want, but it
must have the extension of .SCR. The .SCR
file is the same for TELCOM or PC208E (Figure
D.3-2). Make sure to modify the file for the
correct COM port.

/A COM2:9600

FIGURE D.3-2 Example .SCR file for

Datalogger Initiated Communications

Once the .SCR file is created, set the phone
modem at the computer to Auto Answer. See
the phone modem’s manual or the PC208
manual for details.

The final step is to run the .SCR file. The
computer will then start waiting for incoming
calls. Once this is accomplished, the computer
can’t be used for anything else until you give it
the commands to quit waiting for incoming calls.
To run the .SCR using PC208E, select the
schedule (File | Open | Schedule ) and start the
scheduled data collection (DataCollection |
Scheduled). To run the .SCR from TELCOM, at
the DOS prompt type TELCOM to run
TELCOM. When TELCOM prompts you to
“Enter station or script filename:”, type in the
filename.SCR and press . For this
example, you would enter CALLME12.SCR.

Once the computer is waiting for incoming calls,
it will bring up a screen similar to the one shown
in Figure D.3-3. The computer will now answer
incoming calls.

Telecommunications Program ver. 7.3

Copyright (C) 1986,1991 Campbell Scientific, Inc.

Executing script file "C:\PC208\CALLME12"

Waiting for:

- next wake up time (01/19/38 03:14:07)
- PC203 on/off switch to be turned on
- modem ring signal to become active
- a ctrl-C or Esc to be pressed

Current Date and Time: 01/15/96 14:36:28

FIGURE D.3-3 Computer Screen in

PC208E/TELCOM Waiting for a Call