Ov1.2 excitation outputs, Ov1.3 pulse inputs, Ov1.4 digital i/o ports – Campbell Scientific CR510 Basic Datalogger User Manual

Page 14: Ov1.5 analog ground (ag), Ov1.6 12v, power ground (g), and earth terminals, Ov1.7 5v output, Ov1.8 serial i/o, Ov1.9 connecting power to the cr510

Ov1.2 excitation outputs, Ov1.3 pulse inputs, Ov1.4 digital i/o ports | Ov1.5 analog ground (ag), Ov1.6 12v, power ground (g), and earth terminals, Ov1.7 5v output, Ov1.8 serial i/o, Ov1.9 connecting power to the cr510 | Campbell Scientific CR510 Basic Datalogger User Manual | Page 14 / 264 Ov1.2 excitation outputs, Ov1.3 pulse inputs, Ov1.4 digital i/o ports | Ov1.5 analog ground (ag), Ov1.6 12v, power ground (g), and earth terminals, Ov1.7 5v output, Ov1.8 serial i/o, Ov1.9 connecting power to the cr510 | Campbell Scientific CR510 Basic Datalogger User Manual | Page 14 / 264