AMETEK 953 VMAX LDT User Manual

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1080 N. Crooks Road • Clawson, MI 48017 • 800.635.0289 • Phone 248.435.0700 • Fax 248.435.8120 •




Chapter 1: 953A Overview ....................................2

Chapter 2: Installing ..............................................4

2.1 Installing to a Mounting Bracket ........................4

2.2 Installing in a Hydraulic Cylinder .......................5

Chapter 3: Wiring ..................................................8

3.1 V0/V1 (Voltage) .................................................8

3.2 C4/C2 (Current) .................................................8

3.3 Setting Zero & Span Position ..........................12

Appendix A: Troubleshooting ............................13

Appendix B: Part Numbering .............................14

Appendix C: Specifications ................................15

NOTE: Ametek has checked the accuracy of this

manual at the time it was approved for printing. This

manual may not provide all possible ways of installing

and maintaining the LDT. Any errors or additional

possibilities to the installation and maintenance of the

LDT will be added in subsequent editions. Comments

for the improvement of this manual are welcome.

Ametek reserves the right to revise and redistribute

the entire contents or selected pages of this manual.

All rights to the contents of this manual are reserved

by Ametek. VMAX is a registered trademark of Gemco.


Carefully remove the contents of the shipping carton

and check each item on the packing slip before

destroying the packing materials. Any damage must be

reported to the shipping company. If you do not receive

all of the parts, contact Ametek at 800-635-0289 (US

and Canada) or 248-435-0700 (International).

Most probes are shipped

in a Tube. To remove the

metal end cap, use a large,

flat blade screw driver or

a metal rod and tap on the

inner edge of the cap until

it pivots. Grab the cap and

pull it out. Use caution as

the edge of the metal cap may be sharp.

If you have an RMA warranty claim, pack the probe in

a shipping tube or with stiff reinforcement to prevent

the probe from being bent in transit.

The 953A VMAX is a magnetostrictive Linear

Displacement Transducer (LDT) for highly accurate

continuous machine positioning in a variety of

industrial applications.

This sensor is built to withstand the most severe

environmental conditions and is completely absolute.

This means that power loss will not cause the unit to

lose position information or require re-zeroing. The

non-contact design allows this device to be used in

highly repetitive applications without mechanical wear.

The 953A VMAX has a few truly unique features. One

feature is the LDT’s auto-tuning capability, the ability to

sense a magnet other than the standard magnet and

adjust its signal strength accordingly. Another feature

is that the analog output is programmable over the

entire active stroke length. The active stroke area lies

between the Null Zone and Dead Band.

There is a diagnostic LED located at the connector

end of the probe that remains green while a good

magnet signal is present and when the magnet is in

the programmed stroke area. The LED turns yellow

when the magnet is out of the programmed active

range, but still within the active stroke area. The LED

turns RED if there is a loss of magnet and the output

will go to 0 volts on a voltage unit and 3.8mA on

current model units.

The 953A VMax LDT with a 4 to 20mA output offers a

unique diagnostic capability. The normal 4 to 20mA

output indicates the position of the magnet within the

programmed span. If the position of the magnet is

outside the set span, the output is either 3.9mA or

20.1mA. If the magnet moves into the Null or Dead

Zones or there is a loss of magnet the output will be

3.8mA. This feature is only available on units with a

current output. On voltage units the voltage output

will be 0 volts below the programmed zero point and

10volts above the programmed Span.

All units can easily be changed in the field from a

0-10VDC to a 10-0VDC or a 4-20mA to a 20-4mA.

NOTE: The part number on the LDT is a record of the

characteristics that make up your specific unit. For a

translation of the part number, see Appendix B.

Chapter 1: 953A Overview