Operation – State CSB 120 54 IFE User Manual
Page 19
Refer to the Features and Components section of this manual
(pages 7 & 8) for the location of components mentioned in the
instructions that follow.
NEVER turn on power to the water heater without being certain the
water heater is filled with water and a temperature and pressure
relief valve is installed in the relief valve opening.
do not tEst ELECtrICAL systEM BEforE hEAtEr Is
fILLEd wIth wAtEr. foLLow fILLInG And stArt-uP
InstruCtIons In oPErAtIon sECtIon.
fILLInG thE wAtEr hEAtEr
1. Turn off the electrical disconnect switch.
2. Close the water heater drain valve.
3. Open a nearby hot water faucet to permit the air in the system
to escape.
4. Fully open the cold water inlet pipe valve allowing the heater and
piping to be filled.
5. Close the hot water faucet as water starts to flow. The heater is
InItIAL stArt uP
The following checks should be made by the installer when the heater
is placed into operation for the first time.
1. Turn off the electrical disconnect switch.
2. Open the front panel, check all water and electrical connections
for tightness. Also check connections on top and side of heater.
Repair water leaks and tighten electrical connections as
3. Depress the red manual reset button on each Thermostat/ECO
combination control (Surface Mount Control Models only).
4. Turn on the electrical disconnect switch.
5. Observe the operation of the electrical components during the first
heating cycle. Use care as the electrical circuits are energized.
6. Close the front panel.
Temperature control and contactor operation should be checked
by allowing heater to come up to temperature and shut off
use care as the electrical circuits are energized.
drAInInG thE wAtEr hEAtEr
It is recommended that the water heater storage tank be drained
and flushed every 6 months to reduce sediment buildup. The
water heater should be drained if being shut down during freezing
temperatures. See Features And Components in this manual for
the location of the water heater components described below.
Burn harzard.
Hot water discharge.
Keep hands clear of drain
valve discharge.
1. Turn off the electrical supply to the water heater at the
breaker or disconnect switch.
2. Ensure the cold water inlet valve is open.
3. Open a nearby hot water faucet and let the water run until
the water is no longer hot.
4. Close the cold water inlet valve to the water heater.
5. Connect a hose to the water heater drain valve and terminate
it to an adequate drain.
6. Open the water heater drain valve and allow all the water to
drain from the storage tank.
7. Close the water heater drain valve when all water in the
storage tank has drained.
8. Close the hot water faucet opened in Step 3.
9. If the water heater is going to be shut down for an extended
period, the drain valve should be left open.
- CSB 120 45 IFE CSB 120 405 IFE CSB 120 36 IFE CSB 120 30 IFE CSB 120 27 IFE CSB 120 24 IFE CSB 120 18 IFE CSB 120 15 IFE CSB 120 135 IFE CSB 120 12 IFE CSB 120 9 IFE CSB 120 6 IFE CSB 82 54 IFE CSB 82 45 IFE CSB 82 405 IFE CSB 82 36 IFE CSB 82 30 IFE CSB 82 27 IFE CSB 82 24 IFE CSB 82 18 IFE CSB 82 15 IFE CSB 82 135 IFE CSB 82 12 IFE CSB 82 9 IFE CSB 82 6 IFE CSB 52 54 IFE CSB 52 45 IFE CSB 52 405 IFE CSB 52 36 IFE CSB 52 30 IFE CSB 52 27 IFE CSB 52 24 IFE CSB 52 18 IFE CSB 52 15 IFE CSB 52 135 IFE CSB 52 12 IFE CSB 52 9 IFE CSB 52 6 IFE